Sunday, July 31, 2011

Setting up my WBT Classroom

I start teaching in a week and I am working hard to get my classroom set up for my students return.  I am very excited about having a WBT classroom this year.  The AZ conference was AWESOME and I look forward to using the many strategies I learned.  I have already set up space for my power pix on my walls and I am printing out SuperSpeed 100 and SuperSpeed Math to use as well.  The rules are already posted on the front board and one of the first things I have planned after introducing myself is to teach my students the rules and gestures.  I look foward to using this blog as a journal of my first year using WBT and hopefully there will be other teachers who see it as a helpful resource to using WBT in their classroom as well!  To every teacher - Great Luck and work hard.  Your students will give you what you give them!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you the best of luck the first year. I have 3/4 grade learning support. I started WBT teaching last year. I am looking forward to my second year!
